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The Detail

I'm northern (Yorkshire born and bred)

and don't take myself too seriously.


I previously worked managing the photography

for one of the UK's biggest retailers.

Having gained 70lbs during my first pregnancy and developed post-natal anxiety and depression, I decided I needed help. I hired a wonderful Personal Trainer to educate and guide me. Subsequently, I lost 84lbs and I'm in the best shape of my life.


I made a complete career change and now I want to help others who may not know where to start,  or who want to improve their strength, 

fitness or health even more! 

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The Vitals

Hampshire based, qualified Personal Trainer and Nutrition and Weight Management Advisor specialising in Pre & Post-natal exercise.

I tailor my approach to suit each client. If you need some casual guidance when it comes to getting stronger, or if you need someone to get you up and go for a little jog to keep you going - I'm there. 
I like to see my clients on a regular basis to keep on top of progress, re-evaluate programmes, assess any habits forming (both good and bad). ​

If you would rather a more minimal approach,

we can do that too!

I have a number of packages to suit different needs. Click HERE to find out more.

The Message

If I can get this fit, so can almost anyone. If you look at me and think I’ve never struggled with my weight or that I’ve been fit my whole life you’d be completely wrong! From 16-30, when I should’ve been in the best shape of my life, I was yo-yoing up and down with my weight. I had bad posture which caused headaches.

I wasn’t a natural at any sport that I attempted and quite frankly, I hated exercise. 


I remember crying during a hike up a mountain in New Zealand because I was struggling so much. I welled up when I went skiing for the first time because I found it too strenuous and felt like a failure. I could not have been unhealthier and my self-esteem got worse as my fitness levels deteriorated. I joined a gym 3 months after giving birth and my new PT put me on a workout programme. Each time she introduced me to something new, I told her I hated it. When she got me on the treadmill I told her I wasn't a natural runner, nor did I think I ever would enjoy running. But as I kept at exercise, and kept seeing progress, I loved it more and more.


What used to make me break down now drives me. Today, I can do hours of cardio, feel confident in the free weight section, work out with my clients

and one of the most important things...

chase after my two children. 

You can be in the best shape of your

life at any age!

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